Friday, August 6, 2010

Best Oysters in Town - East Dennis Oyster Farm

East Dennis Oyster Farm Dennis, MA Cape Cod

I am embarrassed that it has taken me so long to write a blog post. Not only that but I wanted to make sure this one was perfect. The last two months have been crazy- my computer crashed, went on vacation, starting a new job, trying to find a place to live... the list goes on and on. I always say it but it's not an excuse. I wanted to make this a special post because not only has it been a long time since I've written, this post is about a two people who I can't talk more highly about.
A few weeks ago there was a bright spot in my otherwise crazy life. On vacation down in Cape Cod we were at our favorite spot The Summer Shanty- enjoying a nice beverage and watching the sunset. We love their menu and sea food options - especially because it's mostly gluten free and shell fish is one of our favorites.

To our surprise, the restaurant were doing things a bit different this year. They had a company called East Dennis Oyster Farm come in and supply fresh oysters from their farm- the freshest and tastiest I've have ever had.

I immediately struck up a conversation with the lady who I thought 'worked' for the farm and it turned out that she and her husband own, farms (year round might I add) sells, shucks and delivers everything. They are the real deal. Stephanie and John are some of the most passionate and knowledgeable people I've met in a long time. Not only that, it was constant through everything- especially about their farm. They started farming oysters in 2003 and have been doing it ever since.

Stephanie was nice enough to invite us out to the farm the very next day. It's a tricky operation because you can only go out at low tide 2-3 times a week and farm the oysters. It was quite a hike out the farm. I felt like I was on a crazy adventure and I didn't know what to expect. John told me to bring a water bottle because it was a long walk from the car- but it was worth every step. Coming over the dunes you saw a sea (no pun intended) of cages with oysters in all of them with the Atlantic ocean as the back drop. Going to work in the Atlantic doesn't sound like a bad gig but keep in mind, they farm all year long.

I had SO many questions and have never seen anything like it. We learned that oysters don't come in to traps like lobsters, they come from all over the country as tiny babies- Stephanie and John get their 'babies' from New York and raise them from their infancy. They are tiny (smaller than a penny) and they raise them to perfection. It takes years to get to the oysters on our plate and not only that, they require constant changing of cages to help in the growth process. It was such a new experience. I had no idea what it took to farm and raise oysters. Here are a few things we learned from John and Stephanie while we were at their farm.

* Oysters are "filter feeders" filtering out food particles around them. An adult oyster can move 60-80 gallons of sea water in one day!

* Oysters change sexes many times over their life time.

* Oysters don't mature until they are a year old but like a good wine they can age for a few years longer- giving them their sweet and salty kick.

*You can cook oysters in many different ways- frying, baking, smoked and broiled but eating them raw is the most popular way. Especially because the oysters that come the East Dennis Oyster Farm are a step above. You have to trust me when I tell you there is such a difference. For starters, they are plump and come with little grit (natural sand) It's almost as if the Atlantic Ocean washes it away for the up most enjoyment. You have to make sure you don't spill the 'juice.' It's half of what makes the experience!

An oyster is a acquired taste and if you are unfamiliar with them, I suggest you try them from John and Stephanie. Take a few hours and experience their farm and the heart and soul that goes into it. The oyster is a salty, sweet explosion of the sea in your mouth and your going to want more and more- I promise.

Oysters are a delicacy and to think we have them in our very own back yard. East Dennis Oyster Company is growing every day and to our benefit. They are constantly getting involved in events, weddings, anniversary's - you name it they will most likely do it. If you get on their website you can have a fresh batch shipped to you directly- fresh and straight from the sea.
Take for example Megan and Mike's Wedding. I don't know this couple but they came to the farm and hand picked oysters for their raw bar at their reception. Jon and Stephanie also with Forklift Catering to help with their catering needs- they make a great team!
John and Stephanie are two of the nicest people I've ever met and their oysters are the best I've ever tasted. Please go and visit them on their farm- the freshness and their oysters are to good not to.... You'll be missing a great thing!
Like I said, this post was a special one. Have a great weekend and go enjoy some oysters - East Dennis Oysters that is. :)