Tuesday, March 16, 2010


March 14th 2010 Race day!!!

It's been a while since I have blogged. UGH!!!

To my defense, I have been training for a 5k. Lord knows I am tired! But not nearly as tired as I was in the past- not tired form gluten poising, tired from working out and training!

So this post is about my race. I DID IT. Can you believe it? I never had to wear shoes as gymnastics was my sport of choice and gymnasts didn't wear shoes. :) So I strapped on a pair of new Nike's an started to train. I trained really slow (thanks to George Cuddy) who told me not to push and to take it slow. "Nothing happens over night" he tells me. "Don't cross your arms over your body, keep them by your sides and take it nice and slow."

The constant reminder was great because my personality is a fiery one. (Those who know me can vouch) I wanted to push, run fast, sweat, feel my lungs burn but that was not the way to do it.
First week of training: (10 weeks total) Walk 10 minuets, run 3

Week 2: Walk 8 Run 5

Week 3: Walk 7 Run 7

An so on and so on.... Not only was I doing my running, I had to make sure I was up on my strength training. I did that on my off days- Tuesday and Thursdays. I took ZUMBA (which I love because it satisfies my dance cravings) on Saturdays. It's a constant reminder of how much I love to move- and it also keeps the heart rate up.

So back to the race... I was nervous. Half way through the training my back started to act up again and I wasn't ready for it. Brain Barkwell, the on-site and amazing physical therapist at Revolution Fitness told me to take it easy. Perhaps running wasn't for me as I am still healing from a back injury from my gymnast days. But I didn't listen. (Sorry Brian) I pushed on.. taking down the level slightly because I didn't want to hurt myself for good..

The day of the race I was nervous. Had I trained enough? Was I going to throw up? Cross the finish line? People in my life had been asking me.. "Why are you running all of a sudden?" It was a personal goal. A mind game that I had to prove to myself that I needed to do this- perhaps it was a way I could tell myself I had finally beat GLUTEN and I was no longer a prisoner in my own body.
Sunday March 14th- Race day. I wake up to a monsoon.. all weekend it was wet and raining. One of the worst rain storms I had ever seen in my 24 years- It rained for 3 straight days and there was over 6 inches of the stuff!!! Not to mention it was cold... bone chilling!
There was NO hesitation. I was running my 5K. After all it was only 3.1 miles. I ran at my own pace and took my time like George told me to do- also I kept my arms at my side and didn't cross them. :) I was the most amazing experience ever. I felt STRONG, even with the pelting rain on my face and the wind trying to stop me.

The last 1/4 mile was on a slushy, muddy bike trail and I sprinted to the finish line. I ran with my arms up ecstatic that I finished. I was so proud of myself. 36 minuets it took me to run 3.1 miles. Completion of the 5K was a milestone for me.

No matter how short or long the race it's setting the goal and completing it that matters. Just set your mind to something.. especially if you have been feeling down and out in the past. Finishing something feels amazing.. I challenge you to try it- it's liberating!

I plan on setting more goals and completing fun things in the future because I am no longer confined to the couch. Thank god. Much more to come....


Monday, March 8, 2010

EXERCISE @ Revolution Fitness!!


On top of eating right, one forgets that exercise if right behind. Yes- I work at an incredible fitness facility (Revolution Fitness), but working out is not always easy. Thank god I have good people to push me but dragging myself onto the treadmill or the AMT is not easy....

Remember, there are many things that help in maintaining a physique that you want. Remember you can't do one without the other. Here is a quick list of exercises that I think are beneficial to your health. I don't think of it as one day arms one day legs. I go by the book of total body workout and I love it.

Monday: Kettle bell swings
Med Ball Slams
Push Ups
Cardio: 20 minuets on Arc Trainer
Interval training on the Woodway Dynamic Mode

Tuesday: Helix and Core Strength Class

Wednesday: Front and Reverse Lunges with weight bar above head
Free Weights triceps and biceps
Kettle Bell push ups

Cardio: Run/walk on treadmill

Thursday: Rev It Up Total body workout @Revolution Fitness w/ Derek and or Brendan (Mondays 6:15am and Thursdays 12pm)

Friday: Rest

Saturday: ZUMBA!!!! (Saturday 10:30am)

Sunday: Yoga

I mean, this is a BASIC list of things that I have learned in the past few weeks. I highly encourage anyone to get a FITNESS ASSESSMENT with on of our fantastic trainers at Rev Fit. It's very beneficial and BodyEvolver was created by Mike D our Fitness Manager.

Keep a few things in mind: eat before (consume at least 200-300 calories if you are working out first thing in the morning. I like peanut butter on a rice cake) Eat plenty of protein and drink a lot of water.

I hope this peaks your interest. Happy GF eating and exercising!!!!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Secret of the day is..... WHOLE GRAINS!


I promise I will get better at this.. I just have to set time out of my busy day to write!

So, I have to tell you.. I haven't been feeling my best lately. I am not full, I am feeling tired again and most of all, I don't feel like I am getting any nutrients. Ugh..

The other day, Craig Wright, someone who I met at the Healthy Villi Conference came into Revolution Fitness to chat with me, catch up and check out the gym. (Thanks Craig for coming! I am so happy I met you and Kim!)

We got talking.. and I slowly realized I am eating all wrong. Yes, I am conscious of my eating and wanting to eat healthy, but it's not enough. I am not getting any grains because of the drastic change in my diet. Then it hit me- (and Craig made it clear) I need to consume more WHOLE GRAINS. They will make you feel full longer... and remember when you have a diet restriction, remember the things you can not eat and try to find alternatives.

Here is a list of the things I went out and bought after our conversation:

1. Nature's Path: Mesa Sunrise Cereal
2. Buckwheat
3. Good for life Multi Seed rice bread
4. Hodgson Mill Milled Flax Seed
5. Blue Diamond Almond Milk

This is just the beginning of changing the way you eat I the eay I eat. And don't let anyone tell you things are expensive. YES- we all know gluten free products are expensive, but there is NOTHING we can do about it. Keep writing to your local state reps and keep putting the pressure on. Also, look into claiming all of your gluten free products on your taxes this year.

Enjoy whole grain shopping. Your body will love you even more. Have a great night!
