Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Secret of the day is..... WHOLE GRAINS!


I promise I will get better at this.. I just have to set time out of my busy day to write!

So, I have to tell you.. I haven't been feeling my best lately. I am not full, I am feeling tired again and most of all, I don't feel like I am getting any nutrients. Ugh..

The other day, Craig Wright, someone who I met at the Healthy Villi Conference came into Revolution Fitness to chat with me, catch up and check out the gym. (Thanks Craig for coming! I am so happy I met you and Kim!)

We got talking.. and I slowly realized I am eating all wrong. Yes, I am conscious of my eating and wanting to eat healthy, but it's not enough. I am not getting any grains because of the drastic change in my diet. Then it hit me- (and Craig made it clear) I need to consume more WHOLE GRAINS. They will make you feel full longer... and remember when you have a diet restriction, remember the things you can not eat and try to find alternatives.

Here is a list of the things I went out and bought after our conversation:

1. Nature's Path: Mesa Sunrise Cereal
2. Buckwheat
3. Good for life Multi Seed rice bread
4. Hodgson Mill Milled Flax Seed
5. Blue Diamond Almond Milk

This is just the beginning of changing the way you eat I the eay I eat. And don't let anyone tell you things are expensive. YES- we all know gluten free products are expensive, but there is NOTHING we can do about it. Keep writing to your local state reps and keep putting the pressure on. Also, look into claiming all of your gluten free products on your taxes this year.

Enjoy whole grain shopping. Your body will love you even more. Have a great night!


1 comment:

  1. Definitely try sprouted bread! I'm sure it comes gluten free and is chock full of nutrients!
