Friday, February 19, 2010



I wanted to enlighten everyone on my great day. First, I had the most amazing workout. Second, after that amazing workout, I ran for a whole 13 minuets-the most I ever ran in my life.

I feel ALIVE again!! Not sluggish or depressed, not tired and rundown- ALIVE. I feel like screaming it from on top of a mountain. HAHA That was a total cliche. Oh well, that's just how I feel.

There is nothing like the feeling of being able to accomplish something again. This time last year, I couldn't do anything. Like I have said in other posts, I couldn't even get off of the couch. No more! I am working harder than I ever have and I am so happy to have the sinful gluten out of my system.

I should let you know that I am training for my first 5K in a few weeks.. I can't wait. Perhaps I will run a full marathon in Hawaii in December? (Can you tell that is my goal?) I am training for a sprint triathlon as well.. Sky is the limit. I can't even begin to describe how I am feeling. I am better than ever...

I hope you are all having a great day as well.. Tonight is Gluten Free Italian Night.. Please stay tuned for the recipes.

Have a great day!



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