Sunday, February 7, 2010

Motivation- Get off of the couch!

Hello All..

I can see how easy it is to get away from blogging when you are busy. I am on 'vacation' in Detroit! My dad's brother is here and his family. My Uncle Kent had been serving our country in the United States Army for over 20 years and finally he will be retiring. I am happy for him and relived that he is safe and sound from the fighting he has been involved in. Who can really say they are for war? I mean, let's face it, it's something we have to do in this moment of crisis. All I can say is that he is safe and my family is back in one piece. He served this country and we should all support the troops. :) I am so proud of him.

I am so happy to have been able to come out here and see my cousins Kandice and Kassisy and my Aunt Nancy. They are amazing people who huge hearts and I love them all very much.

Ok- So.. let's be honest- staying healthy on vacation? It is nearly IMPOSSIBLE!!!! I am lucky because the family has a built in gym and treadmill downstairs in their awesome basement, but that means NOTHING!!! Yesterday, I was on the couch for 1/2 the day and I had to text my trainer because I couldn't get off of the couch. I needed motivation. The kind of ass kick I get from him Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I didn't get a text back for a while, and in that while I thought to myself.. "Amanda, seriously? You are waiting for a text to get off of this couch? Get your s*** together and workout!" (Yes, that is what I said to myself) So I did. I put my workout clothes on, warmed up by taking the dog for a brisk walk in the Detroit cold, ran up and down their stairs for 1 mintue, completed my 7 ,mintues running on the treadmill (HUGE goal for me BTW) and put myself through a complete body workout!

It can be done. No need for excuses- it has to be apart of life. Exercise for the first time in my life means something. With every sit up, push up or jog I feel a bit less tired and a lot more stronger. So get off of the couch and do something. I swear, it can change your life. :)

Last night I took my cousin Kandice out for dinner http://

We had a blast- I can't believe she will be going away to college! She picked a great steak place for us because she knows that steak is for the most part Gluten Free. (She rocks)

Anyway, I wanted to give a shout out to the Manager Paula and our waitress Jenn who was very supportive of my allergy and was there to help. Although I was a bit disappointed of the lack of education they waitstaff had, they wanted to insure I had a great time- which I did. I might have embarrassed my cousin (sorry Kandice) But I have to look out for my well being.

With that said, I am going to end this posting for today. I have a wonderful day planned and remember, you can get a workout in. No matter how big or small- Just get off of the couch! :)

I can't believe I am saying this but : GO SAINTS!!!!


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