Monday, February 8, 2010

Congrats to the Saints and to good GF food

First off.. let me start by saying CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SAINTS!!!!

It goes to show that even the underdog can succeed. When the going gets tough, jump into the rule book of the saints- GO FOR AN ONSIDE KICK. That's how I feel sometimes, like I need something to keep it interesting and that is just what the Saints did last night. They pulled out all of the stops- we can all learn something from them..

On a different and more tasty note, I wanted to talk a little bit about the Superbowl Menu I made for me and my family last night. It was simple and tasty. 1/2 gluten free and 1/2 regular.

I started off with appetizers:

1. Shrimp and GF cocktail sauce
  • Start off with a precooked and divined shrimp. I prefer the JUMBO but the small ones were on sale at Walmart. Keep it real and go for the deal, a shrimp is a shrimp.

2. Chili and Cheese Dipping sauce (This one is not that great calorie wise, but sometimes you have to splurge. It was the BIG GAME and it's a Moorhosue staple love you dad)
  • Start with a large, microwave safe bowl.
  • Add two cans of naturally Gluten Free Hormel Chili
  • (This is the bad part) Add 1/2 of a block of Velveeta Cheese! :) Cut in strips for easy melting
  • Microwave on high until slightly melted.
  • Add one dollop of sour cream (seeing how this recipe is already loaded why not sure whole sour cream) :)
  • Mix and stir until incorporated and microwave until all incorporated
  • Serve with GF Corn Tortilla chips (I like scoops)
3. Pistachios (Simple and a great snack throughout the game and also good for you)

The Entree:
Gluten Free Pizza with garlic hamburger, mushrooms and spanish onion!
  • Start with Chebe Pizza Mix and follow directions on back. (I really like this mix because the mix itself has oreagno and basil in dough. NOTE: Don't be shy with the liquid, it is a DRY dough
  • While the dough is in the oven, in skillet sweat a 1/2 of onion and 3 cloves of garlic in a little bit of extra virgin olive oil.
  • Add 1/4 LB of gound beef (or turkey or chicken it's up to you.) Add Salt and Pepper
  • When beef is browned, add mushrooms
  • Take out pizza crust and poke the sides if the have risen-
  • Spread red sauce (Whatever you have in your pantry)
  • Add Cheese
  • Add toppings and put back in oven.
  • After 20 minutes you have a yummy, delicious GF PIZZA!

Yummm.. I am hungry again. Good thing there is leftovers.

Just an FYI for lunch today, I had a salad of the rainbow:

  • Spinich
  • Iceburg Lettuce
  • red onion
  • kiwi
  • red pepper
  • 1/2 of a grapefruit
  • On top? A warmed cut up peice of my pizza on top of my salad for added protein. :)

Enjoy your day and remember, Be Creative! Go for the onside kick!



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