Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Protein Woes..

Hello again,

I have good news and bad. Which one shall we start with first? Lets go with good..

Good: I am back into my grove and working out again. I am a few days behind with my running schedule, but if I can walk tomorrow ( I strength trained like a manic today) I will do my 13 minute run. I am getting there.. the biggest news ever if I am not tired- not worn down like I was this time last year. Thank for god for the gluten free diet. Please read this amazing expert from "Gluten Free for Dummies" :)

Bad: Ugh.. my eating isn't as good as I want it to be. I don't know about you, but I feel like I have to micromanage what I put into my body. That is the bad news.. I am not getting enough protein. People who suffer from gluten intolerance or Celiac Disease didn't get enough nutrients as it is, and now we are learning how to get them back into our system naturally.

Ok, so enough with the science lesson. Let's talk about protein. According to my trainer, that is one of the most if not the most important things you can put into your body. Protein is FUEL. "Protein is an essential nutrient. There is no life without protein. Protein is contained in every part of your body, the skin, muscles, hair, blood, body organs, eyes, even fingernails and bone. Next to water, protein is the most plentiful substance in your body." (I really enjoyed this PDF)

Every time I work out I think about protein. Did I get enough, how many grams did I ingest- I know I sound like a lunatic, but I want to make sure I am firing on all cylinders. Nutrition, training, cardio, overall well being is all related. I can't do one thing right and not the other?! Really making the conscious effort to learn all I can has been both a blessing and a hardship. It's a lot to take in. I mean, it would be so much easier if I can eat whole grain toast, a bagel, or an english muffin. But no, that's to easy and it wouldn't be me if I didn't like a challenge. Not to mention, thinking about ingesting gluten makes my stomach turn..

On that note, I want to share a secret. Well two secrets...

Number one: (this one is for the ladies) Stay away from harsh protein powder. It doesn't digest well in your belly- there is nothing like a good protein shake after a workout. Try Aria It's a yummy protein and isn't chalky.

Number two: Oatmeal (GF oats for those who need it) Here is my magic recpie Oatmeal with Quiona

1/2 cup of cooked oatmeal (7 grams of protein)
1/4 cup of cooked quiona (Eden Organic is my fav) (6 grams of protein)

in total= 13 grams of protein!

Mix together, add a drizzle of honey, a dash of Cinnamon, and your favorite fruit (optional) This dish will keep you full longer and give you a lot of FUEL for your day. Please enjoy something else with your breakfast like a smoothie or a apple with peanut butter. In my opinion, you should eat your biggest meal at breakfast and then a good size meal at lunch and then your smallest at dinner. Who wants to go to bed with a on of food your belly? If you eat properly during the day you won't feel like you want to eat so much at night!

I hope this post was enlightening. There is more to come soon. (I promise more frequently) Remember, experiment with your food. Don't be afraid. I will be adding more recpies to my blogs, so please try them and get back to me! Have a great night.


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