Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gluen Free Runner


Today marks a new chapter in my life. I have decided to run. Train, exercise and run.

This is partly due to the fact that this time last year I couldn't physicly get off of the couch-or at least that was the feeling. Rundown, exhausted- the feeling I was carrying around 100lbs of bricks on my shoulders.

What I was really feeling was a food allergy that took over my body. After finally being gene tested it was found that I carried both genes for Celiac Disease. This is all thanks to my mother; whom I love VERY much.

10 years ago my mom was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. (I should have known I was right behind her) Thank god it wasn't cancer.. but it sure felt like we were dealing with something similar. No one knew what it was or what to eat. No one knew if there was ever going to be a cure-cutting out gluten was and is still the only cure.

This began the journey. The cooking, the buying of separate pots and pans (we can't have cross contimination) Literally separating my parents kitchen. I knew I had to help- I started cooking for her and wanted to educate the public on this... but how. That's something I am working on to this day..

So getting back to running.. ( I swear it all ties in) Last year I was very sick and found out I have an intolerance to gluten but for months I was NOT myself. I didn't have the energy and for someone who is as personable as me that was difficult. I was sad because I didn't feel like myself. I felt like a stroke victim- I was stuck inside my own body. I knew I was in there but couldn't com out.

2009 was a blur for me. Thank god I was diagnosed-with the diagnoses came a new me. A slowly re energized me who wanted to start working out again. (something I haven't done since I was a gymnast)

Then I saw it....a 5K race. I thought to myself I can do this. Gluten isn't going to beat me.

This is my journey on how I was rundown but now transforming into a runner. But this is also a place where I want to share my recipes and ideas on how to live life with food allergies. I swear it's possible- my mom and I are living proof.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get on the treadmill.


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